Sunday, March 8, 2009

History of Singapore's Currency

Answers to Mr Roseman's Questions:
a) Yen - Japan
b) Euro dolloar - Europe (Germany, France etc)
c) Pound - England
d) Yuan - China

a) Orchid series - 1967
b) Bird series - 1974
c) Ship series - 1984

a) safety features to prevent fake money
b) paper don't tear easily so that they can be used for a long time.
c) not too big so they can fit into our wallets but also not too small or we will lose them easily.

4a. Which series do your parents and/or grandparents like most?
My mother likes the Bird series most.
4b. What is the reason?
She likes the colourful brids. These were also the currency notes that she grew up with.

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